What to Expect After a Soul Retrieval

All humans have a built-in mechanism to protect from trauma – whether physical or emotional, when we experience painful or difficult situations in life the soul may leave to get away from that negative energy.  This may leave someone feeling hollow, as if they have no purpose in life and no passion. It may feel […]

Tips On How To Give Yourself Emotional Support

Emotions are a part of life, but they don’t always have to control us. Here are some tips on how to manage your emotions better: Acknowledge your emotions. The first step to managing your emotions is to simply acknowledge them. Don’t try to suppress or ignore your feelings, because that will only make them worse […]

What You Need to Know About Ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet and Sekhem Energy Healing

The Goddess Sekhmet is a powerful figure in Egyptian mythology, known for her fierce energy and healing abilities. In this post, we will explore the history of Goddess Sekhmet, the symbols associated with her, and the energy healing techniques that are based on her teachings. History of Goddess Sekhmet Goddess Sekhmet was originally worshipped in […]

5 Things to Be Grateful For

5 Things to Be Grateful For #gratitude #grateful #thankful #blessed #abundance 1. Our health We should be grateful for our health, both physical and mental. We are so fortunate to be able to wake up each day and enjoy all that life has to offer.  2. Our loved ones We should be grateful for our […]

How Energy Healing Can Help you

Energy healing is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the energy fields that surround and permeate the human body. The idea behind energy healing is that imbalances or disruptions in these energy fields can cause physical, emotional, and spiritual problems. By restoring balance to these energy fields, energy healing can promote healing and […]

10 Ways to Reduce Stress for 2024

Stress is a part of life – it exists as both good and bad, known as eustress and distress respectively. When it comes to the latter, it’s important to have ways of reducing that kind of stress. Here are 10 ways to lower stress this year: 1. Create lists Having lists helps you to remember […]

The Art of Building Strong and Lasting Relationships

Building strong and lasting relationships is an essential part of living a fulfilling life. Whether it’s with our family, friends, or romantic partners, having a support system of people who care about us and whom we care about is crucial. But building and maintaining relationships is not always easy. It takes effort, commitment, and a […]

Top Motivational Life Coaching Quotes

It may only take a few key words to help guide you towards finding purpose, motivation, and clarity. We all come across sayings or quotes that we resonate with – they may even be a catalyst towards positive life changes. Here are a few motivational quotes to help change your mindset and provide motivation: “Life […]