
What is Soul Retrieval?

Soul Retrieval has been around for thousands of years and is an integral part of indigenous cultures around the world. This spiritual practice is primarily used to heal the mind and the body from the trauma we accumulate in life.
Most people in the West consider using medicine and other tangible means to heal themselves, but with Soul Retrieval, we dive into the spirit world and heal our spiritual energy by rejoining our soul and making it whole again.
At the center of Soul Retrieval is the act of inviting and reclaiming the missing parts of your soul and bringing them back into your body.

How Can Soul Retrieval Help You Heal ?

Over time, we experience various traumas in our life. This can include physical trauma like injury or assault. Alternatively, you might have more subtle mental and emotional traumas such as the death of a loved one, breakups, divorce, loss of a job, and other events that bring emotional pain.
Trauma is something that we all experience at one point or another. However, each trauma causes a piece of your soul to leave your body; this is also known as soul loss. With enough trauma, many parts of your soul can leave your body, which can leave you feeling unwhole and fragmented.
Through Soul Retrieval you can call back all the parts of your soul that have split from your body and earthly energy. Soul Retrieval looks different in each culture and will vary depending on who you choose to do your Soul Retrieval with. But, I will personally work with you to help reintegrate your missing soul pieces and get you feeling your best mentally, physically, and spiritually.
As I journey into the spiritual realm to find your hidden soul pieces, we will figure out the extent of your soul loss, and the amount of work that needs to be done. This can include soul loss from decades in the past and even soul loss from your past lives.
Your missing soul pieces are never truly lost, they are merely drifting in a different realm, and this practice can help bring the pieces that are hidden back together so you can feel whole again and make room for the next chapter in your life.
People with soul loss often have depression, PTSD, difficulty with relationships, and even health problems. As you experience soul retrieval, you can begin to heal from the damage of your trauma fully.

How Can You Contact Me For Soul Retrieval

If you have any questions about Soul Retrieval, feel free to contact me at my email. And, if you are ready to book a Soul Retrieval session, we can talk about the details of this service together. My energy work can also be done from a distance for your convenience. This way we can focus on Soul Retrieval at a time and place that is convenient for you.
We’ll start with a lengthy discussion about the goals of your Soul Retrieval, and what areas of your life you are looking to heal so you can clear your energies and regain the pieces of your missing soul. Again, Soul Retrieval looks different for each individual, but with the help of this ancient practice and my guidance, you should feel more energetic, at peace, and whole.

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