
Frequently asked questions

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Energy healing or energy work is the act of a person who uses their intentions to bring balance and restore flow at an energetic level to himself/herself or to other people using the universal energies. These energies are available to everyone when they attune themselves.

For more information, the following YouTube videos provide a lot more detail on the subject:


Daniel has studied many modalities including Reiki, Sekhem, EFT, Inception Point, and more for over 15 years. He knows what works and what doesn’t. He is a compassionate person and his intentions to help people come from the heart. His sessions can be applied to help all aspects of life’ however it is highly recommended that each session focuses on a particular issue. Think about what you want to work on before scheduling a session.



Each session is approximately 60-minutes. Daniel uses a blend of different systems, and people sometimes may feel an energetic shift, while other people may not feel anything. Since everyone is different, people have different responses. Some people may see big positive shifts in their lives, some see smaller ones. Sessions are done remotely either via Zoom or Skype. Anything discussed is private, confidential, and safe. Since everyone is different, the BEST way to find out if you will benefit is to schedule a session with Daniel. If you still have questions, feel free to email him at info@theultimate.energy.



You can read more about Daniel by visiting the “About Me” webpage.



Since everyone is different, some people need one session, while some people need more. Each person must rely on their inner intuition or inner gut feeling when they need to have another session. Daniel does not hard sell or pressure more sessions on people. People schedule only when they feel it is truly needed, therefore sessions can only be purchased one at a time.

There is no guarantee of any outcome. Every session is different and different people have different responses to the sessions.

If you want to know what results you will experience, schedule a session and see what it does—you may be pleasantly

surprised. Understand, there are no refunds since you are paying for Daniel’s time regardless of the outcome.



Unfortunately, no. Energy healing or energy work is not approved by the FDA nor the medical community to heal or cure any medical or psychological issues. If you think you have a health issue, it is highly recommended you seek medical attention from a trained and licensed health care worker immediately. At this time, energy work cannot be fully measured by physical machines to demonstrate and record the potential changes that may occur, so it should it be used as a replacement for medical treatment. Few studies have been done on energy work.

Some studies showed some benefits in some areas in people’s lives, but the studies were either too small and/or inconclusive and larger scale studies need to be done to demonstrate any positive effects. If you are interested in what studies have been done you can read about this EFT study or about this study done on Reiki. You can also do further research on Google about other studies. Energy work has the intention to restore balance to the chakras or energetic subtle bodies and has recently become more popular.

Some celebrities are even into energy healing. Golfer Phil Mickelson has received Reiki sessions to help with his ailments and to manage his stress during tournaments. Actresses Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, and Ellen DeGeneres have also sung the praises of energy healing.

You can read more on this at this article, https://www.reikiinfinitehealer.com/heres-how-3-celebrities-are-using-reiki-in-their-lives According to the Mind Body Green website, other celebrities that have experienced energy healing include Adele, Kylie Jenner, Victoria Beckham, Katy Perry, and many others. You can read this article at https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-25945/9-celebs-who-swear-by-the-healing-effects-of-crystals.html Time magazine published an article stating that Americans spend about $30 billion dollars a year on complimentary medicine. You can read the article at this link, https://time.com/4377345/americans-complementary-medicine/ . Our society has become more open to energy work as people are intrigued to try new things and look for alternative solutions, and the field of energy work will continue to grow and expand as a result. If you are drawn out of curiosity, have an inner gut feeling, watched YouTube videos, read articles online about energy healing, have previously experienced energy work in the past, or are just excited to try something new/different, schedule a session and see what it can do for you!



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